First Blog

 My name is Mercedes Lindquist and I am 20. I am originally from Minnesota but have lived in Alaska for roughly 18 years. I'm going to school to become a veterinarian. I absolutely love cars, and it's one of my main passions and hobbies, but I also love reading. I go to school full time and am also employed full time, so me having free time can get pretty scarce, but when I do, I usually spend it either with my family or my boyfriend and his family. I have 4 dogs at my house, and my boyfriend and I "have a dog" (she's really his but we call her ours) at his house! I love being outdoors in the summer, like fishing, camping, and hiking are some of the activities I enjoy in the summertime. Not so much in the wintertime, but I want to learn how to snowboard eventually though!

My relationship with art has been rocky. I used to draw a lot and had a strong passion for it, but over time that passion went away and I no longer draw. Most of the paintings that I have in my house were made by my great-grandma. Most of the art in my room is about cars, and we don't have a whole lot of other art in the house honestly. I've actually never been to an art museum but I would really love to go to one.

Arts Video


  1. I have been to fantastic art museums in both Alaska and Minnesota. If you are in Fairbanks, the second floor of the Museum of the North is well worth the visit. Mostly local artists, including a former neighbor of mine who has an outhouse on display. His actual outhouse was truly a work of art.

    1. I definitely agree with you on the second floor of the Museum of the North being worth the visit; I used a piece of art I found there in my first blog post.

  2. Hi Mercedes! Great choice for an art piece. It makes a profound statement. It looks like a robot cleaning up blood? Is this piece making a statement about AI taking over human jobs? I really enjoyed your art video. Ink art with a fork! It's so cool how they made a bird with a dinglehopper! I go through phases with creativity as well. Definitely need the arts in my life! I'm working on making an Art Therapy degree, LCSW with Art minor. Ceramics was so much fun! And a great outlet for stress.

  3. Wow, so many things went through my mind looking at your piece of artwork you chose. I love art like this that makes you think and wonder. What a statement. I hope you get back to drawing and doing art. It has always been something for me to escape away with. Put my mind to work on something like a drawing or painting instead of the stress of life. I can't wait to see what you choose next for your next blog!


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